General Election Response

Responding to the result of the General Election, Dr Sarah Hughes, Chief Executive of Mind, the mental health charity, said: “Mental health did not feature much as an issue this election campaign. But it’s an issue that’s all too real for the nearly two million people on NHS waiting lists, for the rapidly rising number of young people struggling with their mental health and those of us who still don’t get the care we need when in crisis. There are clear solutions the new government can deliver that would have an immediate impact on people’s lives .... " Read more here.

Anxiety - Mental Health Awareness

Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem. All of the therapists at Asana have in depth experience of helping clients struggling with anxiety. Find out more ... and watch the videos.

The Difference Between Mourning and Depression

Many people are confused about how to distinguish between “normal” grieving and depression that needs to be treated. After all, mourning a loss, especially of a child, spouse, parent, close friend or even a beloved pet, is bound to elicit deep feelings of sadness and regret. It is natural that everyday routines are disrupted and things that may have previously been important suddenly seem less so. The loss of a loved one is not something that is ever forgotten.  So how do you differentiate between “normal” bereavement and depression that needs to be treated?  This article from Psychology Today reveals that it is often only when depression is treated that you can address underlying feelings of mourning and sadness.  Read more...

Mental Health Awareness Week 13-19 May

Movement is the focus for this MHAW. One of the most important things we can do to help protect our mental health is regular movement. Our bodies and our minds are connected. Looking after ourselves physically also helps us prevent problems with our mental health. Read more here, from the Mental Health Foundation who have plenty of great tips and advice.

Personality Disorders

There are different types of personality disorder and each one can affect how you cope with life, manage relationships, how you behave, and how you feel. There is no single cause and it can be a combination of reasons, including genetic and environmental causes. You can have a personality disorder alongside other mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression. To find out more visit Rethink Mental Illness here for their excellent, indepth article on this disorder that is thought to affect 1 in 20 people. Talking therapies are recommended as the best treatment option for personality disorders.

Start Your Happier Life in 2024

Discover the top tips that Dr Ranjan Chatterjee swears by to improve and maintain good mental health and wellbeing. Could talking to strangers make you more content? Would eliminating choice reduce stress and improve your wellbeing? Is changing your relationship with technology the key to improving your life? Listen to this special edition of the BBC Radio 4 podcast 'Just One Thing', when Michael Mosley quizzes Dr. Chatterjee (author of numerous best-selling books including “Happy Mind, Happy Life”) on the best ways to live well. Then why not try their jointly recommended single most effective health hack for a happier life.  Listen here.

46% Rise in Child Mental Health Referrals

The number of children in mental health crisis has reached record levels in England, analysis of NHS data by the mental health charity YoungMinds shows.

For the first time, urgent referrals of under-18s to mental health crisis teams reached more than 3,500 in May, three times higher than in May 2019. And in the year to March 2023 there were 21,555 urgent referrals to mental health crisis teams, up 46% on 2022, the charity found. These are children with the most acute mental health symptoms, who might otherwise need to go to hospital for psychosis, severe self-harm or suicide attempts.

In addition to the 3,732 urgent referrals, the NHS monthly data reveals that the number of children and young people undergoing treatment or waiting to start care also reached new records, with 466,250 open referrals to children and young people’s mental health services (CAMHS) in May.

Laura Bunt, the chief executive of YoungMinds, said the figures were “indicative of a system that is broken. We are now in a mental health emergency and the government must get a grip on the scale of this crisis. Many young people are having to wait months and years to access help, while many others are told they don’t meet the threshold for a referral to mental health services. No young person should be left waiting for help while their mental health worsens.”

Dr Elaine Lockhart, the chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ faculty of child and adolescent psychiatry, said the mental health crisis was having “a devastating impact on the wellbeing of our children and young people”. “Services are doing their best to meet this rise in demand for treatment but a lack of staff and resources is making it difficult for them to see patients quickly. This is contributing to a harmful spiral in which many young people are being placed on long waiting lists, which can lead to their symptoms becoming more serious over time and them eventually presenting to services in crisis.”  Article courtesy of The Guardian.

Read more about the amazing specialists at Asana who are experienced in helping troubled children suffering from a wide range of conditions.  Read more.

Video Gaming Disorders - Self Harm, Aggression, Addiction

The NHS National Centre for Gaming Disorders has revealed treating hundreds of children for addiction at their specialist clinic. The director says, "Gaming disorders can have a significant impact on children and their family to the extent it can take over and stop them from living their normal daily life. From avoiding school or work, engaging in violence, to family breakdowns, the harms to those suffering can be significant; but there is help from the NHS for those who need it. We also know as with other addictive and mental health disorders, the earlier they are identified and treated the more successful the outcomes will be for both the individual but also for the wellbeing of the family members who are also impacted negatively by someone’s excessive gaming". The average age of a gamer seen by the clinic is 17, with children aged between 13-14 and 16-17 also representing a higher number of the patients seen. Treatment length varies based on patient need, ranging from a one-off session to family therapy lasting over a year, the average treatment time is around three months representing 12 treatment sessions. The Minister for Primary Care and Public Health said, “Technology can be hugely beneficial – from developing problem-solving skills, to socialising and helping people ‘switch off’ and relax. As with anything, too much of it is a bad thing – and we know gaming can be addictive. There are ways to prevent gaming addiction, which include recognising the warning signs and monitoring your online activity if and when you’re worried". Read more...

Procrastination linked to health & career problems

Research shows that procrastination isn’t just a time-sapper but is actually linked to real problems such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, perfectionism, stress, poor sleep quality, poor heart health and other health and wellbeing issues.  Scientific studies actually suggest that procrastination is due to poor mood management.  This is a fascinating article - read more here.  For help with managing procrastination using CBT click here.

Mental Health and the Cost of Living Crisis

We can't ignore the potentially devastating effect the cost-of-living crisis has on mental health and The MentalHealth Foundation are asking whether we have another pandemic in the making. Find out more about what you can do to protect your mental, emotional and physical health during the cost-of-living crisis and how you can help support others. Read more...